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St. Silouan of Athos Chapel

Blessed and dedicated by the late Metropolitan Nicholas, of blessed memory, the chapel is part of the Apostolate of the Carpatho-Russian Diocese of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople (the Mother Church of Christ’s poor), serving under the Omophorion of Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa (ACROD).

Patriarch Bishop Gregory

Bartholomew, Archbishop of Constantinople-New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch (left/top);
His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa, Primate of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America (right/bottom)

The Mission is grateful to S. Takis of New Byzantium Publications for the musical arrangements made especially for our use.



  • Chapel Hours

    Open for private prayer Tuesday to Friday from 5–11 a.m. Sundays — 6 a.m. doors open for silent prayer; 7 a.m. Orthros; 8:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy

  • Meetings with Catechumens (for catechumens only)

    Every Wednesday, 3:00 p.m.

  • Join in our weekly Bible-study classes

    All are welcome! – click the image to see the PDF poster (~110 kb)

    2023-24 Bible studies

  • Reading the Gospel with youth

    Saturdays, 1:00 p.m.

  • Transmitting the Orthodox faith to young children and high school youth at St. John The Compassionate Mission

      The approach of teaching the Orthodox faith at the Mission is to group children by age. This approach is simple but effective, and is based on recent studies of what keeps youth involved in the church.
      For children (age 12 and under), religious formation is focused on increasing children’s familiarity with the Scriptures and the liturgical life of the church. This is done through active participation in the liturgical life of the Orthodox Church, supplemented by formal study times. Children are encouraged to be active members of the Church as their community that extends to their family and school life.
      Teenagers (age 13 to 19), we believe, are in a transition time of their development. For this age group, greater emphasis is placed on in-depth presentation of the Orthodox faith, through dialogue and hands-on experiences. A concerted effort is made to help youth see that science and religion are not necessarily in opposition, and to look at how science and religion can work together. Youth are exposed to the Diakonia of the church as something that is at the heart of the gospel. In this way, they are encouraged to grow in the sense that the Orthodox faith calls us to learn from and be with the poor. To support their learning about Diakonia, youth are given real-life opportunities to live the social teachings of the Orthodox Church. Questions and frank discussion are encouraged. Youth are also invited to grow in their appreciation of the importance of beauty in the life of faith.
      Father Nicolaie is responsible for the content of the youth program, and works with members of the community in discussing and supporting its week-by-week progression.

  • Questions?

    Send us a message at

  • Multimedia resources

Serving Clergy

Fr. Nicolaie Father Nicolaie Atitienei is the Spiritual Father and serving priest of St. John the Compassionate Mission. Father was born in Solca, Romania. He attended West University of Timisoara (Romania) Faculty of Letters, History and Theology, where he earned a Masters in Social Psychology and graduated from four years of seminary.
His understanding of Orthodoxy was also shaped by the martyric witness of many people around him during the brutual Ceaușescu regime, and then the fall of communism in Romania. Father’s experience of Orthodoxy and its influence in society comes from a lived experience, an experience that helps him understand the reality in which the Mission finds itself witnessing the Orthodox faith.
After humbly serving over twelve years at the Mission, where all of his four children grew up, he was chosen to lead our community. The community also petitioned our ruling bishop to ordain him to the priesthood. His leadership is in continuity of the original spirit of the Mission, as well as a new deepening of the Mission’s life. Under his leadership a new mission-parish opened in Scarbough called St. Zoticos, where he also serves. Father is sought by many people for counseling and as a spiritual father, both in the church and outside the Mission.
He serves and leads by words that are inspiring, but also by a humble nurturing care of each person. He is a prolific writer, winning several literary awards back in Romania. He now publishes a weekly inspirational text for our Sunday bulletin – some of these writings can be heard on Ancient Faith. After coming to Canada he earned an MSW from U of T. His wife Presbytera Michaela beautifully serves as a cantor.
Our community is deeply grateful for Father’s leadership, and is witnessing a renewal of people and good works.

Dn. PawelDeacon Pawel Mucha came to St. John’s in 2007, planning to stay for one year. Originally from the UK, he previously had a career in teaching. A spiritual son of Archbishop Anthony of Sourozh, he frequented Father Lev and Elder Sophrony of Sussex. Ordained as a deacon for the Mission in 2010, he is now Prefect of the Lived Theology School at the Mission. He is appreciated for his encyclopedic knowledge of church history, and dry Scottish sense of humour.

Sdn. ArsenioSub-deacon Arsenio Tibayan, originally from the Philippines, speaks fluent Tagalog, is married and has two children, also serving at St. Zoticos Mission.

Br. LukeLuke O’Neil is a Brother of Mercy who serves as an ordained Reader, and leads the weekly daily services at St. Silouan Chapel. He came to Orthodoxy from the United Church of Canada. He is the community librarian and historian. He has a great knowledge on the lives of the saints, and a vast collection of icons of lesser-known saints. Brother Luke is the regular member of Lourmel house. You can hear his stories of Mission life on the Ancient Faith Parables of Community blog.

Starosta MiroslavaStarosta Miroslava is married, a mother of two, and a recent retiree from the financial world. “I am blessed to serve as Starosta in our humble community. I serve with joy and reverence, with faith in our church and gospel. I care for all people of God, and humbly I am in service of the poor and the church, working along with our spiritual Fathers and the Sobor. With all my heart I rejoice to serve in humility, to help take care of people, to give and receive blessings, and to pray in our chapel. I am truly blessed to be part of our community.”

Presbytera Mihaela Presbytera Mihaela is our cantor. Like her husband, she is originally from Romania. She is a full-time teacher and mother. As well as her beautiful – some say angelic – voice, she brings to the community a practical knowledge of Orthodox liturgical music traditions.
In many parts of the liturgy, we are encouraged to sing as a community.

Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
©2025 St. John the Compassionate Mission
416-466-1357 |
155 Broadview Avenue, Toronto M4M 2E9
Charitable Registration #893281832RR0001
American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America