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St Johns Mission 2

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Since the founding of St. John’s in 1986, many people and groups have given of themselves. Here are names of some of the people and organizations whose generosity has helped those in need.

We are also grateful to those many who have given and served anonymously.

If you would like to see your name here, please contact us.



  • St. John’s Mission — Abraham, Aisan, Alena, Alex, Alex, Ali, Alisha, Amanda, Ana, Andrea, Andy, Angelica, Ashley, Assumpta, Atreyu, Ayan, Blaise, Brandon, Brian, Brittany, Caitlin, Carmen, Charlotte, Connie, Daniel, Daniel, Daniela, Danielle, David, David, Delphine, Diana, Diana, Dina, Domenic, Don, Dzao, Efrain, Eke, Elena, Erika, Erin, Faustine, Fei, Francis, Gabriel, Gabriela, Gail, Gemma, Gennadiy, George, Geraldine, Gianluca, Glen, Gorda, Gordon, Graeme, Hanan, Hanan, Harry, Helen, Henon, Henry, Iliana, Ilse, Inci, Inigo, Irina, Jack, Jacqueline, Jamea, Janice, Jay, Jenny, Jessica, Jessica, Jhonatan, John, John, Jonathan, Jordan, Joshua, Josie, Joy, Jules, Jules, Julia, K, Karena, Karim, Karina, Katherine, Kayla, Kazeem, Kerry, Kerry, Konstantina, Kurtis, Lais, Lakshmi, Laryssa, Laryssa, Laura, Laura, Leon, Lidia, Liila, Linda, Lisa, Louisa, Luis, Madison, Madison, Mahsa, Maia, Margaret, Marguerite, Mark, Mary, Mary, Matthew, Max, May, Melanie, Michelle, Michelle, Michelle, Miroslava, Monica, Morgan, Mykel, Nadim, Nancy, Nathan, Nene, Nichita, Nin, Nirmay, Nitasha, Oliver, Paige, Paul, Peter, Peter, Quong, Raina, Raphaela, Reah, Rebecca, Ricardo, Robel, Romana, Russell, Samer, Sarah, Sarah, Sayda, Sharel, Sharon, Shin, Solomon, Sonia, Stephanie, Sue, Suzana, Tammy, Tammy, Tatiana, Taylor, Terry, Thaïs, Thanasi, Thomas, Thomas, Tony, Uriah, Uyen, Uzdjan, Vassiliki, Veni, Vera, Victor, Vladislav, Wayne, Will, Wing, Wolfgang, Yatin, Yuri, Zoe
  • Scarborough Good Neighbours — Adajemi, Ajon, Alain, Ann, Anthony (x2), Asania, Asher, Avigail, Ayanna, Babu, Beticel, Bhima, Bhinyongolo, Bill, Candida, Carol, Christine, Cristina, Daniel, Dann, Dave, Dhanai, Din, Earnell, Elisabeth, Elsa, Femida, Hanan, Idown, Jihann, Jiji, Jim, Juliet, Karpha, Kelvin, Kim, Lea, Levalin, Lizeth, Mary, Mat Chen, Max, Mike, Mile, Nikolav, Noemi, Pratibha, Raisa, Robert, Ronda, Rupert, Sandra, Sean, Seena, Simrat, Stratis, Suran, Yarisson, Yinni
Individual Supporters
  • Jules-Mars Alexandre, Antonia Alexiou, Theodore & Michelle Alexopoulos, Rafik Bichay, Marie-Therese Bilaniuk, Judith & Sidney Bishop, Gail Blanchette, Joanna Brankov, Steven Boyd, Symeon H & Lucie Brandt, Tiberiu & Anamaria Bratescu, Vassilios & Katherine Costopoulos, Ralph P Cowan, George & Viorica Coza, Savelia Curniski, Sterling Demchinsky, John Desjardins, Sr. Mary Di Girolamo, David Donch, Anne Donich, John & Mary Drieman, Presbytera Maria Drossos, Izary Duarte, Mariana Gavriliu, Costel & Camelia Gheorghe, Ioana Gheorghiu, Blaise Gratton, Dan & Cristina Grumazescu, Sofia Hadzipetros, George Iwanchyshyn, George & Lara Joannou, Joan Johnston, George Kalligosfyris, Bessie Kambouris, Voula Karagiannis, Byron David Kennedy, Colleen King, Tom & Kathy Kiroplis, Bill Kostaras, Antonios Kouvelas, Demetrios Kutsogiannis, George Laganas, Ellas Meat Market, Lucia Lore, Demetri Mamatis, Antoine Musoil, Morrey Naihaus, George Papadopoulos, Christos & Marilyn Papastergiou, Eva Petras, Frank, Monica & Gelly Petras, Tony & Georgina Phillippopoulos, Stefan Pisocky, David & Adrienne Pitt, Irene Polidoulis, Paula Popescu, Kimberly Peter & John P Sauve, Mark & Deborah Scott, Arvilla Sipma, William Stefanco, Gregory & Elisabeth Szymaniak, James Tanner, Daria Taylor, Tom Thomas, Edgar & Myrna Tibayan, Rosy Tretjakewitsch, Dan & Vickie Triantafilou, Boyana Trifonova, Maria Visconti, Kory William Warr, Janet Wilson
  • Paul Ainslie (Councillor, Ward 24 Scarborough-Guildwood), Steven Boyd (assistant to Ward 24 Councillor Paul Ainslie), Julie Dabrusin (MP for Toronto-Danforth; thanks to her support, a member of our community was able to return home safely from abroad. Her communication with the Canadian consulate was essential in securing him a seat on the plane back home. Hon. John McKay (MP for Scarborough-Guildwood), Jennifer McKelvie (Councillor, Ward 25 Scarborough-Rouge Park), Scott Morphet (Advisor, Policy & Constituency, City of Toronto)
  • Brothers of the Christian Schools of Ontario; Christ Anglican Church Scarborough (Rev. Pamela and the congregation); Holy Prophet Elias Greek Orthodox Church; Holy Resurrection Orthodox Church; St. Athanasius Orthodox Christian Mission; St. Bartholomew's Anglican Church, Regent Park; Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Group; St. George Antiochian Church; St. Moses and St. Katherine Coptic Church; St. Nektarios Greek Orthodox Church; St. Stephen's Community House; School Sisters of Notre Dame; Sisters of St. Joseph for the Diocese of Toronto, in Upper Canada
  • Deacon David Donch from St. Nicholas Orthodox Christian Church, Auburn, NY (Dn. Dave tried to help us with all the products needed during the pandemic to keep everything clean, but the transport was stopped at the border; he sent us a donation so we could purchase the products from here), Father John Boutros and Hannah (of St. Catherine and Moses Coptic Church; the community was deeply involved from the very beginning giving us a huge support; with Fr. John’s blessing, Hannah was everywhere on the floor arranging for anything needed, and working side-by-side with us), Fennie Papadopoulos (from All Saints Orthodox Church, who donated sweet Pascha bread to the poor; one man asked for a loaf of bread and after he received it, he kissed it)
  • Dundas Public School (with non-stop support from Principal Georgia Chatzis), Kronos Food, Mazon Canada, P & L Odette Charitable Foundation (they reached out to us and offered their support with a generous donation, because they knew our community through social work students who did a placement with us), Scarborough Village Social Services

Organizational, Corporate, and Government Sponsors

City of Toronto

Daily Bread Food Bank

Community Food Centers of Canada

United Way Greater Toronto

Government of Ontario

Second Harvest
Second Harvest Food Rescue

Government of Canada

Global Medic

Harry E. Foster Foundation


Mazon Canada

Global Kingdom Ministries

Royal Rouge Christian Ministries

Atura Power, Portlands Energy Centre
Portlands Energy Centre


  • ▪  Arthur and Audrey Cutten Foundation
  • ▪  Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Philoptochos Council of Canada
  • ▪  J. P. Bickell Foundation
  • ▪  Schachter Family Fund at the Toronto Foundation
Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
©2025 St. John the Compassionate Mission
416-466-1357 |
155 Broadview Avenue, Toronto M4M 2E9
Charitable Registration #893281832RR0001
American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America