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St Johns Mission 2

Volunteer Donate

Hours of Service — everyone is welcome!

  Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon
Hours 5 am–
8:30 am
5 am–
6 pm
5 am–
4 pm
5 am–
4 pm
7 am–
2 pm
Breakfast 5 am–
8:30 am
5 am–
8:30 am
5 am–
8:30 am
5 am–
8:30 am
7 am–
9:00 am
Lunch/Dinner 5 pm 1:30 pm 1:30 pm
Youth Program 10 am–
2 pm
hours-service breakfast
Contacts and Location

It is not by faith that you come to know him, but by love; not by mere convictions, but by actions.“ — St. Gregory the Dialogist of Rome

St. John the Compassionate Mission
155 Broadview Avenue
Toronto, ON
M4M 2E9


We welcome all volunteers to the Mission

St Johns Mission building

155 Broadview Avenue, Toronto — our home since 1995

Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
©2024 St. John the Compassionate Mission
416-466-1357 |
155 Broadview Avenue, Toronto M4M 2E9
Charitable Registration #893281832RR0001
American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America