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St Johns Mission 2

Volunteer Donate

{diocesan logo} St. John the Compassionate Mission is dedicated to outreach and care for vulnerable individuals and families in Toronto, especially those living in poverty or on the margins – all are welcome!
We’re an apostolate of the Carpatho-Russian Diocese of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, serving under the Omophorion of Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa (ACROD). (See our history and mission.)

Hours of Service – everyone is welcome!

Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
Hours 5 am –
8:30 am
5 am –
6 pm
5 am –
4 pm
5 am –
4 pm
7 am –
2 pm
8:30 am
Breakfast  5 am –
8:30 am
5 am –
8:30 am
5 am –
8:30 am
5 am –
8:30 am
7 am –
9:00 am
 – 5 pm 1:30 pm 1:30 pm  –  –
 –  –  –  – 10 am –
2 pm
Daily Orthodox Church Services in English – see the schedule on our St. Silouan Chapel page.

Summer at St. Mary’s Refuge

St. Mary’s Refuge in Madoc welcomed two St. John’s delegations this summer, shown in the photos below:

(top) St. John’s Volunteers’ day included shared work in the forest, swim time, canoe and kayak time, and lunch featuring Refuge produce;

(bottom) staff of Good Neighbours in Scarborough enjoy a day of fellowship – left to right, Kamav, Brother Luke, Biruk, Joanne, Francis, Ahmedin (on rock), Elijah, Mary, pR.

St. Johns Volunteers at the Refuge Good Neighbours at the Refuge

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Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
©2024 St. John the Compassionate Mission
416-466-1357 |
155 Broadview Avenue, Toronto M4M 2E9
Charitable Registration #893281832RR0001
American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America